Investment Casting Foundry | Sand Casting Foundry from China

Stainless Steel Castings, Grey Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings

Different Casting Processes Comparison

In this article, we try to introduce the difference and comparison between the casting processes via a table. We mainly introduce the sand casting, investment casting, shell mold casting, permernant mold casting and die casting. Hope they help you when you choose the suitable casting process for your custom casting parts


Items Sand Casting Permernant Mold Casting Die Casting Investment Casting Shell Mold Casting
Typical dimensional tolerances, inches ± .010" ± .010 ± .001" ± .010" ± .005
± .030 ± .050 ± .015" ± .020" ± .015
Relative cost in quantity Low Low Lowest Highest Medium high
Relative cost for small number Lowest High Highest Medium Medium High
Permissible weight of casting Umlimited 100 lbs. 75 lbs. Ounces to 100 lbs. Shell ozs. To 250 lbs. no-bake 1/2 lb. - tons
Thinnest section castable, inches 1/10" 1/8" 1/32" 1/16" 1/10"
Relative surface finish Fair to good Good Best Very Good Shell good
Relative ease of casting complex design Fair to good Fair Good Best Good
Relative ease of changing design in production Best Poor Poorest Fair Fair
Range of alloys tht can be cast unlimited Aluminium and copper base preferable Aluminum base prepferable Unlimted Unlimited
casting supplies

Post time: Jan-20-2021