Investment Casting Foundry | Sand Casting Foundry from China

Stainless Steel Castings, Grey Iron Castings, Ductile Iron Castings

Industrial News

  • Investment Casting vs Sand Casting

    Investment Casting vs Sand Casting

    In investment casting, a shape or replica is formed (usually out of wax) and placed inside a metal cylinder called a flask. Wet plaster is poured into the cylinder around the wax shape. After the plaster has hardened, the cylinder containing the wax pattern and plaster i...
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  • Non-ferrous Metals Casting

    Non-ferrous Metals Casting

    Ferrous metals are extensively used in the engineering industry because of their superiority, range of mechanical properties and lower costs. Still, non-ferrous metals are also used in various applications for their specific properties compared to ferrous alloys in spite...
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